We had a lot of great tiny miracles this week. Some of them were a bit more comical but it's still worth telling. On Thursday we always eat with a certain member and she always gives us A TON of food. Well, as usual, she gave us a bunch of food and on top of it all she even gave us some oranges to take with us. Well, I didn't really want them, but I put them in my backpack because I figured I could do something with them later. Well, later that night we were in a cita to drop one of our investigators because he was fairly lazy and didn't want to fulfill any of the commitments we left him. We had the cita, and at the end, we talked about prayer, and we asked him if he had prayed to know if these things are true, and he went on to tell us he isn't even sure if God answers prayers. Well, we couldn't help him anymore and we ended the cita, and on the way out, I picked up my bag and it felt super heavy. I had no idea why so I looked inside, and I saw the three oranges that I had received earlier in the day. I had already been carrying them all day but for some reason right before leaving I felt like they weighed a ton so I thought, "Well, this guy is in a rough economic situation, this is going to be weird and random, but I'll give him the oranges." So I reached into my bag, and I told him if he would like a gift, and I handed him the oranges. At first he just stared at me like, "Are you crazy? What is this for?" But then he accepted them, and told me, "I work in construction and for the past week I have seen my coworker eat an orange during his break for the past 5 days and I thought to myself how great it would be to have some oranges, so I looked up and said 'Can you please send me some oranges?!' " That was the day before. So here I am, a 21 year old missionary who shows up the next day, randomly, with three oranges in his backpack and gives them to his man. Hahaha, he said he now believes that God answers prayers and that he would try again to know if the Gospel is true. Hahaha. How great. I just love it. What an awesome little miracle.
Another similar story happened on Saturday. There is a less active member who was baptized when he was 9 years old, and has been inactive since his teens. He is now in his 40's with three kids. Well, we passed by and chatted with him and this was probably the third or fourth time we had passed by. He has some bad health problems, and every one in the house is without work. Well, we talked and we really learned of how bad his situation is. He needs some heart medicine which costs 4 euros, to control the rhythm of his heart, but he didn't even have enough money for that. Well, after the cita we were moved with compassion so we went to the pharmacy and bought him his medicine and we also bought him some bread and rice for the family. Well, we return a few hours later and he opens the door, and we show up, SURPRISE! We have your medicine and food. Well, he was just speechless, he didn't know what to say. He likewise, after we left the first time prayed for a miracle so he could eat and buy his medicine. Well, the rest of his family are not members and they likewise were super grateful and they all came to church yesterday!! We talked to them and they all agreed to listen to the discussions so we are going to start talking to them on Wednesday. What another great miracle.
Well, those are two great stories for this week. It is a great feeling to know that the Lord uses you to answers the prayers of others. That is easily one of the greatest feelings. It feels good to be considered on the Lord's errand. I know that he really does listen to the prayers of every single person. Well, thank you all for your prayers! I know that the Lord listens to them, and gives me and the rest of the missionaries the strength to continue on. Until next week!!
Elder Card